Barbara Hattemer

It is my dream to communicate with women all over the country and to offer them a closer look at the gospel through the stories I write.
My life has focused on following Jesus Christ and passing on Biblical values to my family, friends, and community. For 15 years I worked to set high community standards of morality in Naples, Florida and on media throughout the country. I encourage women all over our land to take a public stand for the values they believe in.
My husband and I winter in Naples and summer on an island in Maine's beautiful Penobscot Bay. When I was young, I imagined that God was in the Penobscot Bay when he looked at all that He had made and saw that it was good. I have given this attitude to the heroine in my novel An Island Just for Us.
When I was a teenager, my parents owned a farm in the rolling hills of Pennsylvania. It was a wonderful place with horses, cows, and chickens; a man-made lake for boating and swimming; and a natural, winding creek that meandered through its 60 acres. I delighted in its enchanting woods full of long-stemmed blue, white, purple, red, and yellow violets in the spring; its white hillsides of trillium in May; and its large hayfields that brimmed with daisies in the summer. This is the setting for my debut novel Field of Daisies.
There are many things that I enjoy:
Moments when I feel the presence of God's Spirit.
Sharing deeply with Christian friends.
Playing tennis on a crisp day when I feel like running.
Working in our woods in Maine tending God's magnificent garden.
Swimming in Maine's cold water and feeling my skin tingling all evening.
Feeling emotionally bonded to one of my children or grandchildren.
Watching my grandchildren grow up and sharing their delights with my husband.
Reading a good book in my favorite chair before a crackling fire.
Creating characters that become so real, they write their own stories.
Educated at Smith College and Harvard Business School, Barbara worked for a management consulting firm as a Research Assistant, a Personnel Assistant and, eventually, as Assistant to the President. After marrying, she raised four children and now enjoys visiting her eight grandchildren with her husband Bob. She spent 15 years as a political activist, founding and leading the following organizations: Morality in Media of Naples; Florida Coalition for Clean Cable; National Decency Forum (Co-Founder); National Family Foundation; and Character Council of Collier County.
Through the years she has had the following articles and books published:
* "Snow Scene at Christmas Time,” Parent's Magazine
* "Memories of First Love," Yankee Magazine, (Fiction)
* "A Time to Begin Again," Guideposts
* "Charisma Chapel as Community," New Wine Magazine
* "New Light on Daycare Research," a chapter in Phyllis Schlafly's
* Who Will Rock the Cradle, Word Publishing
* Don't Touch That Dial: The Impact of the Media on Children and the Family
Huntington House (A book summarizing the findings of the top 25 media researchers in the country. A complete analysis of social science research and law enforcement data on the harms of sexually explicit and violent film and television written for the layman.)
* "Cause and Violent Effect: Media and Our Youth," The World and I
* “Autumn Reflections,” Eggemoggin Reach Review
* “A Relationship to Treasure,” Eggemoggin Reach Review, Volume II
* “Summer,” Eggemoggin Reach Review, Volume II
* “Tips for Parents” (Regarding Pornography), OnCourse Magazine
She was featured in Christian Herald Magazine and Focus on the Family’s Citizen. She received Christian Herald’s first James 1:22 Award, Morality in Media Woman of the Month Award, and Eagle Forum’s Eagle Award.
More recently she has focused on learning the craft of writing Christian novels in the genre of Women’s Fiction.
EMAIL ME| books@BarbaraHattemer.com
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