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Writer's pictureBarbara Hattemer

A Change in Eating Habits

Updated: Nov 4, 2019

His doctor told my husband he would have to go on insulin for life. His medications were no longer keeping his sugar level in check. If he failed to bring it within a healthy range in 5 weeks, she would put him on insulin. That propelled him to consult a blood specialist who magnified his blood and showed him that it was so full of clots, it looked like a heart attack waiting to happen. He started the very next day to follow the recommendations of the blood analyst and change his eating habits.

Five weeks later his doctor looked at the tremendous drop in his sugar and said, “This is a miracle. How did you do it?” By now she had cut two of his diabetic medications in half and discontinued one altogether. She encouraged him to just continue what he was doing.

He had been experiencing shortness of breath on the tennis court as well and had scheduled a heart catherization. In two more weeks his breath had improved so much, he canceled the operation. He has continued his new life style for well over a year, is almost down to his college weight, feels good, and plans to continue it indefinitely.

Impressed with his success, I started plant-based eating in January of 2011. I have lost 35 pounds without even trying, without ever feeling hungry—if I do, I just grab a handful of almonds or a piece of fruit. I sleep better because I never have that uncomfortable full feeling that I often had when I ate too much. Some of the critters in my blood have disappeared altogether, others are diminished, the heavy metals are greatly reduced, the Candida and fungus are 98% gone, and I feel good. Both of us have improved our tennis games!

Have you seen the movie Forks Over Knives? Scientific studies and top research doctors recommend a diet that is 80 to 90% based on plant food. For me, having had a major bout with cancer in 2004, the fact that cancer was very prevalent in Norway before World War II and that the number of cases during the war plummeted when meat, dairy products and cheese were no longer available caught my interest. That the incidence of cancer after the war rose right back up when these things were brought back into the diet of Norwegians was very convincing.

Just last month 60 Minutes aired a program entitled Monastic Life on Mount Athos in Greece. It told the story of monks who have lived for centuries on an island in Greece and have grown all their own food. For 400 years they have eaten a plant-based diet featuring their home-grown fresh vegetables and fruits and they have never had a case of cancer, heart disease, or clogged arteries.

An FDA release announced that The America Cancer Society has determined that the leading cause for cancer is an overload of protein. Too much protein can lead to many of the major causes of cancer. You don’t get clogged arteries from zucchini or Brussels sprouts. It comes from animal protein.

We eat primarily alkaline vegetables and fruits avoiding meat, seafood, dairy, grains, sugar and all processed foods. While eating flour, rice, eggs, cheese, milk and corn are discouraged, Quinoa, Millet, and Aramanth can add a great deal of variety to your meals as can dried beans, peas, and lentils. Using healthy oils is very important.

Our protein comes from adding 4 T of Hemp Hearts (these have a delicious nutty flavor and are very pleasant to eat) to a large dish of cooked vegetables with 1 T of coconut oil and Himalayan salt for breakfast and another 4 T to a large green salad for lunch. In addition to a variety of lettuces (other than iceberg), 1 to 2 ripe avocados, chopped celery, red pepper, cucumber, we add a variety of nuts (almonds, walnuts, pine nuts, brazil nuts and limited pecans and hazelnuts) and seeds ( pumpkin, sesame, sunflower, chia), preferably fresh fruits in season or dried fruits( cranberries, Goji berries, raisins). The dressing is 2 parts grape seed oil to I part lemon juice and Himalayan salt. For dinner we usually have a combination of cooked vegetable, vegetable stir fry or soup and a few raw vegetables, perhaps with hummus. It is fun to plan meals with eye appeal. Fresh vegetables can make a beautiful display of the rich colors of the rainbow.

Each week we eat 3 oz. of wild salmon and 3 oz. of quality white turkey meat. Three oz. is roughly the size and height of a deck of cards. When we go out to dinner, we order wild salmon (or haddock in Maine) or a vegetable plate with a salad. We have found restaurants to be very cooperative.

It takes a year to clean the body of toxins and a second year for the body to repair. After that we may make more exceptions in social situations. What has surprised us both is that we don’t miss meat at all and we are quite happy with our regimen. The hardest part for me, other than missing shellfish in Maine in the summers, is learning a new style of cooking which my Health Coach assures me is ever so much easier once you master it. The book mentioned in the next paragraph will help you greatly.

The point is to avoid having an acidic environment inside you. Cancer and disease thrive in an acidic environment, but both decrease and die in an alkaline environment. The first Raw Alkaline Cookbook has just been published by Chef Salomon Montezinos. He is receiving orders from all over the world. The title of the book is Discovering Raw Alkaline Cuisine, One Chef’s Journey and it can be ordered online at The foods above may sound rather limiting, but Chef Sal puts them together to make them look exciting and taste delicious. (Call me if you want to attend his last two cooking classes in Naples on Feb. 12 and March 11.  239-594-7754)

While much of the food is made from raw ingredients, Chef Sal cooks foods like Quinoa and serves it with dried fruit, nuts and Coconut Milk or he cooks it and heats chopped vegetables with it. He “cooks” many foods very slowly in an Excalibur Dehydrator so it seems like we are eating cooked meals. In any event his recipes are always full of flavor and include both super foods and super spices like curry, cumin, ground cloves, turmeric, and ginger.

Drinking a great deal of quality water is important. Reverse Osmosis removes 99% of the metals found in water. Exercising your body helps, too. As we eat healthier foods, some of the pains of old age diminish or leave altogether. It is exciting to learn there is something we can do to decrease the danger of growing old too fast. As toxins and foreign bodies build up inside us, we are more susceptible to the diseases of advancing age. We have talked about epigenetic science showing us that we don’t have to succumb to the illnesses that are programmed in our genes. With a vibrant relationship with God, a healthy lifestyle, and a positive life outlook we can avoid many of the crises that accompany old age. The sooner we start, the more likely we will be to succeed.

“The Lord knows the thoughts of man.” Psalm 94:11a. My friend Joe Certa recently wrote me that “we are what we entertain in our minds. Our inner thoughts eventually manifest themselves in our external behavior.” When we pray for healing, we can cooperate by rewarding our bodies with a healthy internal environment that fights diseases. If we do our part, perhaps the Lord will grant us many healthy years to enjoy our grandchildren.

Chef Sal – Twitter –

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