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  • Writer's pictureBarbara Hattemer

Field of Daisies Available For Purchase!

What fun I’m having as early buyers tell me what reading my book Field of Daisies has meant to them! Some with tears in their eyes say it has changed their lives. One said it was the best testimony he has ever heard. Many have said they stayed up most of the night and read it straight through–they couldn’t put it down. A high school friend from another state bought it and said she loved it and was proud to know me. One said she is giving it to a friend and hopes she will learn more about God’s goodness and ask Him into her heart. Several ladies who are going north shortly said they would recommend it to their northern book clubs.

This month I want to attach my Press Release which gives you the main facts about my book and where you can buy it. I encourage you to order a copy. You can easily see all the places it is available. It would be so helpful if those of you who want to order a copy and are used to ordering from would all order on the same day. I will suggest Friday, April 13. It will help me so much with my ratings. Below is the link to Amazon and my book.

Today I spoke before our church Book Club. Everyone agreed it was both a good love story and a good read, but they found so much comfort and instruction of many kinds as well. They surprised me with how many subjects in addition to dealing with Alzheimer’s they found help for in the book. Here is a list of some of the things they mentioned:

1. Multi-generational issues—there is something in it for every generation alive today.

2. Marital issues in times of crisis—models of marriage that are inspirational to others.

3. Parent-child relationships at various stages of life.

4. Issues dealing with care of older family members.

5. Ways in which Christians effectively deal with difficulties in their lives, regardless of age or season of life.


I thought my work was done when I finished writing and proofing the book, but I realize it is just beginning. While our publishers help and I am very pleased with all OakTara has done, new authors today must market their books and develop their own following. If you enjoy reading the book, it would be a great help if you would put a short review on  Also, if you are a friend on Facebook, please consider sharing my latest post about the book on your home page.

I so hope you enjoy reading Field of Daisies.

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